Wooden Plaques with Box Horizontal



The wooden plaques are generally utilized as awards as a part of various occasions and ceremonies, and can likewise be utilized to make wonderful collages. This horizontal designed wooden plaque is made of an original wooden board that comes in three distinct sizes. Imprinting is actually done on the aluminum plates through our full-color printing and then pasted on these wooden plaques, in this way you can personalize them effortlessly as per your users' personal requirements which can gain the attention of your clients' as well and will help you sell your product in a better way.

As one of the leading suppliers of wooden plaques and other promotional and corporate gift items Giveaways, and uniforms in Doha, Qatar, we provide high-quality products and maintain the best impression among all our clients.

Plaque Size: 30.5 x 23 cm / 25.5 x 20 cm / 20 x 15 cm

Box Size: 33 x 25.5 cm / 28 x 22.5 cm / 22.5 x 17.5 cm

Printing Options: Sublimation Printing


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